Ship congestion in China

JITpay™ Ship congestion in China

Ship congestion in China The delta variant of the corona virus is again causing problems for China. After a Corona outbreak, two important ports are closed again, and the global exchange of goods is once again at a standstill. China is not the only country to experience major shipping congestion outside its ports. by Dirk […]

Supply bottlenecks for exporters

JITpay Exporte Lieferengpässe

Supply bottlenecks for exporters The global economic recovery continues to boost German exports, but the race to catch up is being slowed down. The problem: export companies are experiencing supply bottlenecks. by Dirk Mewis Primarily due to strong demand from China, the U.S. and the EU, Germany’s exporters are benefiting for the twelfth month in […]

Record year for parcel shipments

Pakte geliefert und bezahlt. JITpay™

Record year for parcel shipments Never before have Germans had so many parcels delivered as in the Corona period. The German Parcel and Express Logistics Association (BIEK) calculates that the volume of shipments rose by double digits for the first time. by Dirk Mewis The Corona pandemic gave the parcel industry a jump in shipment […]

Hope for a post-corona boom

JITpay™ Hope for a post-corona boom

Hope for a post-corona boom Vaccinations and easings fuel hopes that Germany will boom its way out of the crisis. Industry is registering record order books and researchers are raising their growth forecasts. Industry is registering record order books and researchers are raising their growth forecasts. The outlook for Germany’s economy is improving. The RWI […]