Sentiment in the German economy is deteriorating

The supply bottlenecks are causing problems for companies: the Ifo Institute’s business climate index has continued to fall. Economist Clemens Fuest speaks of a “bottleneck recession” in this context. by Dirk Mewis In September, the mood in the German economy deteriorated again. The Ifo Business Climate, Germany’s most important economic barometer, fell by 0.8 points […]
Lack of 100,000 truck drivers

Lack of 100,000 truck drivers Retailers warn of bottlenecks. To combat the driver shortage, the British government now wants to do “whatever it takes”. Because there are only ten days left to save the Christmas business. . Denn es bleiben nur zehn Tage, um das Weihnachtsgeschäft zu retten. by Dirk Mewis The British Retail Federation […]
Logistics on every transport route

Logistics on every transport route The company was already well positioned on land and in the air. Now the logistics group Deutsche Post DHL is taking over the Mainz-based sea freight specialist J.F. Hillebrand. by Dirk Mewis Logistics group Deutsche Post DHL wants to take over Mainz-based sea freight specialist J.F. Hillebrand in order to […]
Ship congestion in China

Ship congestion in China The delta variant of the corona virus is again causing problems for China. After a Corona outbreak, two important ports are closed again, and the global exchange of goods is once again at a standstill. China is not the only country to experience major shipping congestion outside its ports. by Dirk […]
Supply bottlenecks for exporters

Supply bottlenecks for exporters The global economic recovery continues to boost German exports, but the race to catch up is being slowed down. The problem: export companies are experiencing supply bottlenecks. by Dirk Mewis Primarily due to strong demand from China, the U.S. and the EU, Germany’s exporters are benefiting for the twelfth month in […]
Record year for parcel shipments

Record year for parcel shipments Never before have Germans had so many parcels delivered as in the Corona period. The German Parcel and Express Logistics Association (BIEK) calculates that the volume of shipments rose by double digits for the first time. by Dirk Mewis The Corona pandemic gave the parcel industry a jump in shipment […]
Hope for a post-corona boom

Hope for a post-corona boom Vaccinations and easings fuel hopes that Germany will boom its way out of the crisis. Industry is registering record order books and researchers are raising their growth forecasts. Industry is registering record order books and researchers are raising their growth forecasts. The outlook for Germany’s economy is improving. The RWI […]
Better than before Corona

Better than before Corona More than 400 billion euros in sales in the first quarter: according to a study, the world’s largest car manufacturers are now generally doing better than before the Corona pandemic. Delivery problems, however, threaten the boom. From Dirk Mewis Globally, the auto industry’s business is thriving again, despite the shift to […]
Dispute over Corona insolvencies

Dispute over Corona insolvencies Because thousands of companies were struggling to survive during the pandemic, the grand coalition relaxed insolvency law. The regulations are complicated. Associations are now warning that insolvency law should not be restored to a more orderly state of affairs. From Dirk Mewis During the Corona crisis, many things changed – including […]
DVZ Podcast: “We want to position ourselves more broadly in Europe”

DVZ Podcast: “We want to position ourselves more broadly in Europe”. In the podcast of the Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung DVZ our CEO Dennis Wallenda explains to DVZ online editor Frederic Witt how JITpay™ wants to save carriers tedious work with its services. You can hear the entire interview (in german) here. You can find more […]